Why did I choose biochemistry?

When I was a child I always wanted to study Medicine. I don't know why? Maybe because I saw TV series like House MD, or when I was in the hospital because I was with appendicitis and I had to wait a lot because at that time in Los Angeles there weren't a lot of anaesthetist. Whatever most of my childhood  I was thinking to study Medicine.
When I was at the 2 lasts years of my High School I started to work in the high school's chem lab, and then I knew I had to work in a lab. So there I needed to work with biological samples, because I thought what is the point to work with chemicals if I don't know what happend inside the cells with them. So then I thought to study Medical Technology.
In the lasts months of my High School I told my ideas to study Medical Technology to a friend who is studying Biochemistry and he told me ''Don't study Medical Technology, is better Biochemistry because you can do the same as them and more'' so then I started to investigate which is that career and what a Biochemist does, and I like it.
Currently my experience of the career has been not much, so since a month I started to work in a lab where they work making transgenic plants, and I love it. So if I hadn't requested to work in this lab I wouldn't have had a close experience of my career, because in the faculty in the first semesters there is a common study plan.
In the future I would like to work in a clinical or research lab, I prefer the research but first I want to know more closely the areas of research.


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