My best holydays

I think my best holidays was in the last summer.
It born by the ideas from 3 friends, Stephano, Gabriela and Diana, who I met in my mountain club. They was planning this trip since 6 months before it and consists in a travel arround bolivia in 1 month, visiting the Uyuni Salar, the Sun Island, and few cities like Oruro, Cochabamba, La Paz and Copacabana, finishing in Cozco, Peru, visiting the city of Machu Picchu.
Was January and we start our trip to our first stop, Calama, where we expected to buy the bus tickets to Uyuni, but there was sold out, so we decided to change our plans and we bought the bus tickets to Cochabamba. We arrived Cocha in the afternoon, so we knew the city just in the night, because we take a minibus to Torotoro, where is in a National Park whith the same name.
Torotoro is a town among the mountains, and stands out for the archaeological wealth, there is dinosaurs footprints and prehispanic records from the aymara culture.
After Torotoro we turned back to Cocha, and then we went to Villa Tunari, a village at the entance to the amazonas, where stood out for the population of monkeys which lived there, but when there built the highway to Santa Cruz they dessapeared, sadly by the animal traffic. Now the tourism is in decrease, and the locals saw it's because the drugs and animal traffic.
After Villa Tunari our group was divided. One of my friends, Stephano, was bitten by a dog, and he took the decition to travel to La Paz, for the medical prophylaxis against rabies. Gaby accompanied him, Diana and I bought the tickets to Uyuni. Two days after we met in La Paz.
La Paz, before this trip I thought was de capital city of Bolivia, because there is the government house and the congress, but it doesn't, the Capital of Bolivia is Sucre.
After La Paz we continued our trip to Copacabana with the objective to visit the Sun Island. A paradise inside the Titicaca Lake.
And then came our ''last destiny'' as a group, Cozco and Machu Picchu in Perú.

Really an amazing experince, my first experience in a trip with friends and out of Chile. I met a lot of people arround the worl, mostly of Chile, and my first trip alone, yes, after that I continued the trip in Peru. I visit Lima and Arequipa. That was an exciting experience, that was a hard decision, and before of that I never have been thought this, and was amazing. Really my best holidays to date
