Favourite Musician
Currently mi style of music is closest to Chilean blues and rock, I think I should be influenced by my brother when I was a child; listening bands like Chancho en Piedra, La Rata Bluesera and Los Tres, among others. Los Tres, It’s born in Concepcion, Chile and is one of the most influent bands in Hispanic America since 90’. His work is based on the folk and popular music of Chile with added rock and jazz influences. Currently is composed by 4 members: Alvararo Henriquez, Roberto Lindl, Boris Ramirez and Sebastian Cabib. I don’t have memory when was the first time I listened them, I think I was very young, for example all my life I’ve known the song ‘‘He barrido el sol’’, a classic of Los Tres and I don’t met person who don’t known this song and, indirectly, Los Tres. This band is part of the popular culture of Chile. Since one year I started to listen the most part of the work of this band, and I love it. I think the one of the best albums of they it’s the MTV Unplugged where ...