A School Anecdote

When I was at the school, I loved sing, so I was a member in the chorus of San Rafael High School.
This year we was singing ''Creere'' of Tercer Cielo and ''Daft Punk'' of Pentatonix. Our teacher has the idea to participate in the inter school of chorus of the University of Andes Bello in Concepcion. That was a moment than we was waiting a lot of time, we was from Los Angeles and we has never participate in a competition before that, so you think we was very anxious.
Started the competition we have to wait our turn outside of the aula Magna. Come our turn, trying to look the better than possible, we went inside and started to sing. Ended the competition all chorus went inside and shows his presentation, we thought we're lost, but we're wrong, we won the first place, that was incredible.
Few days later watching the video of our presentation, we saw the worst appearance of our teacher, the person who most took care our image was the worst dressed up, his shirt was disordered, the worst thing than you wait in a formal performance. At today all the school makes jokes about this episode


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